ROOTED - how can I stay grounded in this crazy world?
It’s easy when you look at a tree to forget the roots are there. Yet the root system of each tree extends below, just as the branches extend above. The same could be said of ourselves, in our busy lives, we all have times where we override our body’s needs, push on without listening to what we really need. Society places so much emphasis on our minds – using our minds to manage and control everything that it’s easy to forget about the wisdom and intelligence of the body. Yet in order to feel truly rooted, the two must be interconnected and rooted on the earth.
When we are grounded we feel solid, safe, present and dynamic in our lives. We can stand our ground. Grounding orients us in time and space and connects us to the world around us. When we are grounded we can trust, ourselves, others and the flow of life. We can have faith in the future. And like a strong tree we can sway in a storm without falling over.
Upheaval, shocks or traumas can erode our ground and leave us feeling unsteady and easily rattled. It can be difficult to find that grounded-ness if it wasn’t there during your childhood.
When we feel ungrounded, fear and anxiety are often present, eroding our self-belief, confidence and our trust in ourselves and in life.
Spending time in nature, sitting with your back against a tree or lying on the earth can be very comforting at these times. It can also be helpful to use affirmations like ‘I am held and supported by the earth’ and ‘I trust in the unfolding of my life.’ We can root ourselves in the body by doing breathing exercises and eating nourishing foods, by dancing, walking and hiking. We can take more time to sit and listen to what the body is saying, to what we really need.
In my practice grounding is a theme that often presents, probably because it’s a theme close to my heart with was challenging for me for many years. If this resonates with you I’m running a free ZOOM on April 7th at 7pm – ROOTED guided holistic practices for releasing fear/anxiety and finding your ground. More info and booking here:
Warm wishes,