Welcome to my blog.
Discussions and reflections on holistic wellness
Fire & Bone
I have found that awareness and acceptance of the spiritual depth of the peri-menopause – menopause process can contribute to a more easeful physical and emotional journey, along with indicated remedies & practices.
Wild Essence - Drinking from a Deeper Well
If you are thirsty for the deeper well, let’s drink from it together. My work with women’s health, which began in response to my clients, meeting their needs for natural care during the perimenopause years, feels ever more relevant to myself.
Winter Solstice –Welcoming the light - reflect & review
Winter solstice is an opportunity to welcome in new light, to reflect and evaluate, to summon in new energy. Here is a reflective process for you to use at this time, or approaching the new year on January 1st.
Is it just me or is it hot in here? Top tips for regulating heat and hot flushes.
Hormonal change brings with it physical, mental and emotional changes including fluctuating body temperature, heat and hot flushes, here are some tips for supporting your body along the way.
Navigating peri-menopause naturally
While I am happy to hear more about the menopause journey on mainstream news and in workplace discussions, I would love to hear more about how much natural medicine can support those women who choose not to use HRT. These are the women who show up at my virtual or actual door, having made the decision not to go down that road for a variety of reasons.
Harnessing the fire of Bealtaine – the power of reconnection
Bealtaine is the gateway to summer, sociability, hospitality, a time of connection and reconnection. What learnings do you carry forward and what do you need to drop in the fire?
ROOTED - how can I stay grounded in this crazy world?
Staying grounded can be a challenge when the world is awash with fear and anxiety. Daily we hear of inflation rising, war raging and illness spreading. How can we remain grounded and rooted in ourselves?
Overcoming obstacles to wellness
Obstacles to cure come in many shapes and sizes but all are possible to work on and clear with determination and a whole body, whole self holistic approach.
Fire in the Belly - finding diamonds amongst the coals
Difficult times can be fuel for our creative fire if we can find a way to digest and process them. Once we can find peace and calm in our emotions, we can take a step back and allow our playfulness to come to the fore.
Hankering for hormonal heaven? I know the feeling.
It’s taken me years to find hormonal and emotional equilibrium. I’ve learned a lot along the way and I’m still learning…
Stretch marks on my heart and soul – the expansive journey of motherhood
I remember being pregnant and someone said to me, get ready to have your heart living outside your body. What a funny yet accurate description of motherhood. Whatever my experiences in the past had been, I was wholly unprepared for the sheer vulnerability and heart-exposure of birthing and raising children.
Wild & Green - 3 seasonal wild plants to add zing to your day
Looking to add some zing to your day? Here are 3 seasonal wild salad greens I’ve found while foraging on my morning walks…
Five top tips for a hormonal spring clean
When it comes to spring-cleaning and de-cluttering, the same applies to our bodies, our endocrine system and our hormones. The body welcomes our support to transition into a new stage. Shifting into longer light cycles, more time outdoors and more energetic activities is part of what spring is all about. And giving some intentional support can help to lift our mood and set a whole new pattern for the rest of the year.
The Power of Saying NO
No is such a little word but can be very hard for many of us to say. How can we become better aware of our needs and say no when necessary?
The fire within - fanning your flames on Brigid’s day
An invitation to fan your inner flame; connect with the new spring energy and nurture the seeds growing within you. What flame is burning in you right now? Is there anything you need to clear out to make more space for that inner fire?
Self-Nurturing Tips for Trying Times
As women we excel in looking after others but often let our own well run dry. How can we avoid this pitfall and find ways to replenish our own well?
When your sex drive has driven off…
Libido has natural rhythms and will ebb and flow with our female cycle. But when it vanishes completely it can be very distressing and is usually part of a bigger picture which can be supported with holistic, natural care.
Stress playing havoc with your hormones? Five natural tips for keeping your cortisol in check…
Living with stress has a physiological as well as mental impact. Not only are your sleep, mindset and emotional wellbeing affected but your hormones take a hit as well. This blog looks at the hormonal impact of stress and gives you five top tips to reduce it.